Single Player
Paired with other single players
Food and refreshments for each player
Swag bag
4 players
Food and refreshments for each player
Swag bag
Team + Hole Sponsorship
4 players
Food and refreshments for each player
Each hole sponsor receives a custom sign with the mustache photo of their choice and logo.
Our Mission
Our mission is to start a conversation and reduce the stigma around addiction. That's why we grow 'staches every November- because what starts a conversation better than some face furniture?
Join us on Thursday, October 24th for the fifth annual StigmaStache Invitational. Join us for competitions, great food, and an excuse to play golf during work hours.
Title Sponsors
Title Sponsor
Title Sponsors get two (2) teams, their logo on all shirts, signs, and promo materials, and time to speak before or after the event.
Meal Sponsor
The lunch sponsor can have their logos on tables and/or carts as these meals are served, field a team, and their logo on other promo materials. This sponsorship also includes a team.
Competiton Sponsor
Three competitions are available for sponsorship - the longest drive, closest to the pin, and putting contest. Competition sponsors will get a hole sponsorship, field a team, and present a prize to the competition winner after the event.
Hole Sponsorship (with team)
Each hole sponsor receives a custom sign with the mustache photo of their choice and logo (example above). This also includes a team (4 players).
Hole Sponsorship (without team)
Each hole sponsor receives a custom sign with the mustache photo of their choice and logo (example above). This option does not include a team.
Mulligan Package
The Mulligan package contains a Cedar Recovery branded sleeve of golf balls and a mulligan shot. (Available at the event for purchase)